How to Develop the skills of trading
As we have discussed in various formats at various times in the past, successful trading requires three ingredients: an edge, skills and capital. What we trade, the re-emergence of momentum does have an inherent edge (see our series on backtesting/optimization), and as to capital, well… that we cannot provide, but we can help with figuring out how much of it you might need. So that leaves skills. Now the funny thing about skills, it cannot be given, it cannot be purchased, and we’re not born with it either. Skills, whether in tennis, music, soccer or the gym must be developed by ourselves, for ourselves. Our nightly videos in Remek! Premium can help you develop the skills required for successful trading by providing a framework, a routine, a discipline, a vocabulary, and a way of understanding price action in the context of market structure.
And since the market is nothing but a crowd, finding a way of understanding crowd behaviour is crucial to trading success.
So for better or worse, here are three examples, three consecutive days of our market analyses and the forward-looking battle plans we do for each trading day of the year. And while everyone can excel in talking about yesterday’s charts, to trade successfully, we have to learn to talk about tomorrow’s charts. Which is a skill, and as such, it cannot be purchased, or learnt from books, the only way to develop it is by doing, by constant focused practice (see the tennis, music, soccer and the gym examples above).
So we encourage you to develop the routine of doing this or similar type of daily work. If you choose to join us, the routine tends to simply fall into its place, and the work becomes just part of your day. Expect immensely positive changes in your trading over a 6-12 month period. Like the surgeon who’s seen a million knees, or a piano tuner who’s seen a million pianos, you’ll look at a chart, and in two seconds you’ll know exactly what to do.
On not just a sidenote, by publishing this blog post, we would also like to pay tribute to the traders who have already left Remek! Premium, who have already graduated from Remek! Premium. They now have the tools, they now have the skills, they’re now architects of their own trading accounts. Read their testimonials on our welcome page.
So without further delay, here are the three videos of the past three trading days. Listen to the guy, have a look at the charts the next day, do this a few times, and you’ll see if there’s anything for you in this. Maybe nothing. Chances are, though, there might be. Good luck on your skills development journey!