Remek! Trading Systems

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On being average

In many areas of life, average is just fine. You don’t have to be the best dentist or truck driver in the world to make a living in your chosen profession. Not in trading, though.

In trading, average doesn’t cut it. You have to excel in every aspect of the job. It’s just how it is, just think about it: our opponents are some of the smartest and best-funded professionals on the planet.

So you have to excel too. “Average” traders won’t last in this business. Which is why we have our Forum, for discussions on a variety of advanced topics, which perhaps some traders will skip, but then we’re back to where this post started.

So make sure you join us, and help others as well as be helped by others on your way to excellency. For starters, we have this fascinating user question, and a just as fascinating answer to it, right here, right now, on our Forum!

See this gallery in the original post