The market leaves information of itself behind as it moves forward. We have to learn, like trackers, to read any sign that may be left behind (whatever the tool or bar type, if it's useful, we'll use it). Look at these charts: more and more contracts (volume) are crammed into the same price range (like more and more air pumped into a car tire). What'll happen? I'd say it will burst.
And how we can translate the information above into a Remek! trade:
6E - complex pullback 2017 11 08 - Risk Disclosure: Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Mindful trading!