Much of what’s out there has no basis in how actually markets work. Markets are just a bunch of people (smart and well-endowed, well-equipped people, but still: just people) making decisions. (And before you point out much is done by algos today, yes, but they were also programmed by people to make decisions.)
So the patterns that emerge from all that activity are patterns rooted in crowd behaviour (have you ever wondered how difficult it is to foresee one person’s behaviour, yet it is not rocket science to predict how crowds pour out from a baseball or soccer stadium?). So if we want to understand financial markets, we must study a bit of crowd behaviour.
And since crowd behaviour is ancient, patterns that are actual results of crowd behaviour tend to persist. Everything else is random noise. (And you can’t make money in a random environment, see our random chart generator for further study). And here’s where our edge becomes important: out task as traders is, simply, to differentiate, as much as possible, crowd behaviour patterns from random noise. And then quantify them, which in this day an age, we do with computer software (and then work it all into a trading plan, but we’ll leave that for another post).
So this is where the Remek! Momentum Standalones enter the picture: trading is hard, and if you’re not using a crystallized methodology, chances of success will remain elusive. Luckily, we have put 14 years of experience, daily engagement with the markets, into one rock-solid methodology, crystallized and ready to help you navigate the markets!
See how our method provides clarity, as we speak, on the 27 markets we follow. And sign up for the 15 day free trial while we have your attention. Your trading business might just thank you for it!